There is a problem with the Wayzgoose Registration form not processing payments through PayPal, even though it appears to complete the transaction on the purchaser’s end. No transactions today have been charged to either PayPal or a Credit Card.
I have taken the form offline, and I have been working for several hours debugging the issues. But, my brain is getting fried, and I may have to sleep on it and get back to it in the morning. I do think I found the root of the problem, and a fix is just a short time away, but I am getting tired after working all afternoon to get the site finished up and online, and then to have the registration payments fail!!
I will post another announcement when the problem is resolved and the registration form is back online!
And that is why we all love a printing press, where you can see and fuss with all the parts and don’t have to learn a computer language to cuss at them when they don’t do what you want.