Billy Soucy, #696, Obituary

Billy L. Soucy passed away on 10 January, 2025. Billy was born on the 28 December, 1944 in Eastport Maine to the late Pearl (Mopie) and Larry Soucy.

Billy graduated from Newington High School in Connecticut in 1962. Where after he entered the printing industry until his retirement. In his early years Billy also served in the Army Reserves.

Lead type was in Billy’s blood. It was his hobby where he would print on an old Pearl letterpress. People would often reach out to him as he was very knowledgeable in this genre. He also donated time to the Museum of Printing in Haverhill, MA.

Billy is survived by his son Timothy R. Soucy, his brothers Laurence Soucy, and Jean Soucy, multiple nieces and nephews and his devoted life partner Linda Gouin.

In his later years with Linda, he enjoyed a full life and was loved by a huge extended family including grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

Wayzgoose Registrations Delayed….

There is a problem with the Wayzgoose Registration form not processing payments through PayPal, even though it appears to complete the transaction on the purchaser’s end. No transactions today have been charged to either PayPal or a Credit Card.

I have taken the form offline, and I have been working for several hours debugging the issues. But, my brain is getting fried, and I may have to sleep on it and get back to it in the morning. I do think I found the root of the problem, and a fix is just a short time away, but I am getting tired after working all afternoon to get the site finished up and online, and then to have the registration payments fail!!

I will post another announcement when the problem is resolved and the registration form is back online!

2025 APA Daredevil Wayzgoose Website Is Now Live!!

The 2025 APA Daredevil Website is Now Up and Running!

You can now view all the event information and make your online reservations and payment.

You may access the website via either of these two links:

Please review the hosting hotel information on the website and call them at your earliest convenience to reserve your room, as they are only accepting the discounted rates until March 1st!

2025 Initial Membership Roster Changes…

Happy New Year, and Welcome to 2025.

With the new year, there are the usual roster changes.
Below are the current changes:

New Members Joining Our Ranks:

#1018: Brian Lee Clements
Stone Canopy Press
Altadena, California

#1021: Sha Towers
The Green Pale Press
Woodway, Texas

#1024: Chase & Sandrine Hinshaw
Hyland Studio
Prescott, Arizona

#1019: Kathy Clark Craig
Half the Moon Press
Columbia, South Carolina

#1022: Michael Rylander
Sweet Bippy Press
Petaluma, California

#1025: Landon Jones
LC Studio
Scottsdale, Arizona

#1020: Bruce Bannerman
Bannerman Industries
Culloden, West Virginia

#1023: Randy Newcomer
Dancing Rainbow Press
Ephrata, Pennsylvania

#1026: Amy Feiman
House Fourteen
Denver, Colorado

#1027:Larry Will
Rabbit Hole Press
Fountain Hills, Arizona
#1028: Gretchen Herbert
Vitruvian Press
Brownsburg, Indiana

Members Returning to Active Status:

#803: Ray Nichols & Jill Cypher
Lead Graffiti
Newark, Delaware

#920: Marie Oberkirsch
Central Print
St. Louis, Missouri

#975: Jeff Walgren
The Red Park Press
Ephrate, Pennsylvania

Members Moving to Inactive Status

#696: Billy Soucy
#748: Wayne Lee Schrunk
#782: Robert Giles
#789: John Deason

#923: Christopher Bayley
#951: Kate Askew
#959: Gwendolyn Holbrow
#982: Larry K. Johnson
#985: Breanna Frey

#986: Karen Sawyer-Meehan
#990: Gerald Schulze & Chen Li
#993: Kadin Henningsen
#1012: Kari McDonald

Members Who Passed During 2024:

#407: Gary T. Bossler
#567: Jim Hedges

#659: Paul Aken
#766: Melvin Arndt